The Truth about Bhagat Singh: Unraveling the Legend

The Truth about Bhagat Singh: Unraveling the Legend

Bhagat SinghOn 23rd March 1931, the nation lost three valiant revolutionaries – Rajguru, Sukhdev, and Bhagat Singh. While Bhagat Singh is widely known as a fearless freedom fighter, his true ideologies and principles often remain misunderstood and misrepresented. Today, his image is used as a symbol of patriotism, but few have delved deeper into his ideas and philosophies. In this article, we will attempt to understand Bhagat Singh better known aspects of this Remarkable Martyr.  Whenever Bhagat Singh’s name is mentioned, it is often associated with weapons and violence. However, there is one essential aspect of his personality that has been largely ignored Bhagat Singh was a great intellectual of his times. He was not only a revolutionary, but also an avid reader and prolific writer. In this article, we shall explore the lesser-known intellectual side of Bhagat Singh.

Reading Habits and Love for Literature

Bhagat Singh’s friends and acquaintances remember him always carrying a book in his hand. He had a deep passion for reading and believed in the power of knowledge to bring about change. Even before his arrest, he had already read over 250 books, covering diverse topics from various cultures.

Diverse Knowledge of British, European, American, and Russian Literature

His thirst for knowledge knew no bounds. Bhagat Singh delved into the works of British, European, American, and Russian literature. This exposure to diverse ideologies and perspectives broadened his intellectual horizons.

The Prolific Writer and Published Articles

Apart from being an avid reader, Bhagat Singh was an exceptional writer. His articles were published in well-known magazines of his time, including Kirti, Akali, Veer Arjun, and Pratap. Through his writings, he expressed his thoughts on social issues, nationalism, and the need for revolution. Contrary to popular misconceptions, Bhagat Singh emphasized the importance of ideas and ideologies over mere weapons and violence. He believed that true revolution is born from intellectual discourse and the pursuit of profound thoughts.

Unveiling the Major Ideologies of Bhagat Singh: Socialism, Internationalism and Atheism.

Bhagat Singh, the revered freedom fighter, was not only a brave revolutionary but also a man of deep ideological convictions. In this article, we will delve into the major ideologies that shaped Bhagat Singh’s worldview – Socialism, Atheism, and Internationalism. These principles defined his struggle and remain an enduring part of his legacy.

Bhagat Singh: The Revolutionary Socialist

Bhagat Singh was deeply influenced by Karl Marx, Lenin, and socialist ideologies. He was disturbed by the mistreatment of farmers, laborers, and factory workers in society. His inspiration is evident in his prize-winning essay of 1923, where he quoted Guru Govind Singh, highlighting the bravery of those fighting for the downtrodden, regardless of personal sacrifices. While many freedom fighters focused on gaining independence from the British Raj, Bhagat Singh prioritized fighting for the downtrodden. He believed that exploitation persisted regardless of who held power, and social justice should not be postponed.

In February 1931, Bhagat Singh emphasized that a political revolution was crucial, but the ultimate goal was a socialist resolution. His revolutionary party, initially called the Hindustan Republican Association, later became the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association, reflecting his dedication to socialist principles. Bhagat Singh’s dedication to his ideologies is evident in the powerful slogans he raised during the assembly bombing, advocating for the revolution, unity of workers, and downfall of imperialism.

Bhagat Singh: The Ideals of Internationalism

Bhagat Singh, the legendary Indian revolutionary, strongly believed in internationalism—an ideology that emphasizes unity and cooperation among nations. In his article “Vishwa Prem” (Love the World), published in the magazine “Matwala” in 1924, he eloquently expressed his vision of a world where everyone embraces each other as their own, eradicating unfamiliarity and enmity. Bhagat Singh praised the poet who first envisioned the concept of the world as one family. He envisioned a time when extreme nationalism and jingoism would be replaced by a genuine desire for progress and cooperation among nations. Bhagat Singh dreamt of a day when historic adversaries like France and Germany, America and Japan, and India and Pakistan would put aside their hostilities and engage in peaceful trade. He aspired for a world where countries coexisted without ruling over each other.

Contrasting Ideologies of New Leaders

In his article “Difference of Ideology of New Politicians,” written in 1928 for “Kirti Magazine,” Bhagat Singh compared the ideologies of Subhash Chandra Bose and Jawaharlal Nehru, emerging leaders of India.

Egalitarianism: The Path to Equality

Bhagat Singh’s 1927 article, “Religious Riots and Their Solutions,” underscored his commitment to egalitarianism. He advocated for equal rights for all, regardless of ethnicity, race, religion, or country. He passionately believed in ending discrimination and empowering the poor. Bhagat Singh’s unwavering faith in internationalism reflects his profound desire for a harmonious world where nations unite and progress together. His ideologies continue to inspire generations to embrace global cooperation and work towards a world free from discrimination and conflict.

Bhagat Singh: Embracing Secularism and Atheism

Bhagat Singh, a prominent Indian revolutionary, strongly advocated for secularism and atheism, challenging the prevailing notions of religion and its role in governance. While Mahatma Gandhi proposed an Indian version of secularism, where the government remains impartial to all religions, Bhagat Singh believed in the original French concept of secularism. He emphasized the need for a clear separation between government and religion, recognizing that religion is a personal matter.

Bhagat Singh published his article “Religious riots and their solutions” in the June 1927 issue of Kirti magazine, where he emphasized the importance of uniting poor peasants and laborers against their common enemy: the capitalists, instead of fighting among themselves in the name of religion. He urged for unity.

Why Bhagat Singh Was An Atheist

In his famous article “Why I Am An Atheist,” Bhagat Singh questioned the existence of a benevolent God in a world filled with injustice and suffering. He criticized the concept of punishment and revenge, advocating for the reformative theory, where individuals are reformed into peace-loving citizens rather than punished for their wrongdoings.

A Revolutionary’s Legacy

Bhagat Singh’s atheism and belief in the finality of death did not diminish his dedication to his revolutionary ideas. He firmly believed that while a person’s life may end, their ideas can live on and continue to inspire change. Bhagat Singh’s commitment to secularism and atheism sets him apart as a revolutionary thinker who challenged conventional beliefs and fought for a more just and equitable society. His legacy continues to inspire individuals to embrace rationality and strive for a world where personal beliefs do not interfere with the pursuit of social progress.

If you truly idolize Bhagat Singh and have his photo as your profile picture or on your car, it doesn’t hold much significance. To genuinely respect Bhagat Singh, read about his ideas, understand his values, learn about his ideologies, and work towards his dream of ending exploitation. Long Live the Revolution.


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